15 najlepších vecí, ktoré sa majú vystupovať v Moreliu v Mexiku

, ktoré sa nachádzajú v horskej centrálnej špecifikácii Michoacanu, má Morelia jedinečné jedlo, autentickú kultúru, ako aj senzačné prírodné oblasti, ako napríklad svetoznáme bonusy motýľov. . Je tu veľa vecí, ktoré je potrebné urobiť, ako aj miesta, ktoré môžete navštíviť.

Podľa môjho názoru má mesto Morelia najkrajší dizajn v Mexiku najkrajší dizajn.

Morelia, pôvodne nazývaná Old Valladolid po meste v Španielsku, už dlho hrala v mexickej histórii zásadnú funkciu.

Je založená v roku 1541 a je to jedno z najstarších koloniálnych miest v Mexiku, ako aj jedno z miest, kde sa začala mexická vojna samostatnosti (1810-1821).

Jeho špeciálny dizajn Barroca Moreliano odhaľuje hodnotu histórie mesta, ako aj originalitu staviteľov.

Skutočne, putovanie po uliciach mesta, ako aj namáčanie životného prostredia je jednou z najlepších vecí, ktoré sa dajú vystupovať v Morelii. Mesto je tiež ohromujúce v noci, keď sú najvyššie atrakcie v Morelii osvetlené žiarivými svetlami.

Mnohokrát som skontroloval, ako aj zakaždým, keď idem, objavím oveľa viac vecí, ktoré môžem hrať v Morelii, ako sú rôzne festivaly, koncerty, hry alebo výstavy umenia. Toto je jedno z oveľa podceňovanejších miest, ktoré môžete vidieť v Mexiku, ktoré si nechcete nechať ujsť.

Tu je 15 najlepších vecí, ktoré sa majú hrať v Morelii v Mexiku

1. Putnajte sa okolo Centro Hisórico
2. Absorbujte určitú históriu a kultúru v regionálnom múzeu Michoacan
3. Dajte si potešenie z ľahkej show v katedrále Morelie
4. Choďte do jedného ďalšieho sveta v Santuario de Guadalupe
5. Prejdite sa pod oblúkmi Morelie’s Aqueduct
6. Dajte dátum do uličky romantiky
7. Osviežte sa s Gazpacho Moreliano
8. Vyhľadajte remeslá v Casa de Las Artesanías
9. Objavte o mexickej sebadôvere v Museo Casa de Morelos
10. Pozri show na Centro Cultural Clavijero
11. Pripojte sa k lekcii varenia na kulinárskom workshope Zirita
12. Vyskúšajte jedinečnú Morelia Tamales
13. Doprajte svojmu nádhernému zube v múzeu cukroviniek
14. Pozorujte veľa motýľov v cisárskej motýľovej rezervácii
15. Urobte si jednodňový výlet do Patzcuaro
Teraz chápete, čo mať v Morelii

1. Putnajte sa okolo Centro Hisórico

Jednou z najlepších vecí, ktoré sa dá hrať v Morelii, je chodiť s pätnástimi námestiami v meste a zázrakom v 249 ružových kameňoch španielskych koloniálnych budov v historickom centre.

Kombinácia stredovekých, barokových a neoklasických aspektov architektúry je dôvod, prečo bolo historické centrum Morelie v roku 1991 vyhlásené za miesto svetového dedičstva.

Jadrom mesta je Zocalo, ktoré sa chápe ako Plaza de Armas alebo Plaza de los Mártires. Je to jedno z najlepších miest, ktoré vidíme v Morelii, ako aj východiskový bod na kontrolu množstva miest výnimočných budov v koloniálnej ére.

Zocalo je široký, plný stromov, ako aj obklopený nákupom arkád, vládnych budov, ako aj dvojčatá katedrály.

Vstup je bezplatný vo vládnom paláci Morelia na severnej strane námestia. Spolu so svojím sofistikovaným dizajnom predstavuje palác veľké nástenné maľby umelca, ako aj rodáka z Michoacan Alfredo Zalce.

Ďalej choďte na západ po AV. Francisco Madero, ktorý prešiel okolo Colegia de San Nicolas, jednej z najreprezentatívnejších budov mesta.

Postavený v 17. storočí bol v Novom Španielsku rozhodujúcou inštitúciou, ako aj dnes vchod je bezplatný, aby obdivoval oblúky veľkej budovy, nástenné maľby, sochy a upravené nádvoria.

V historickom centre Morelie je oveľa viac, vrátane Michoacanského regionálneho múzea, ďalší návrh na tomto zozname.

Aby ste sa uistili, že vám nič neunikne, môžete sa vydať na turné, ako je táto. Alebo môžete naskočiť na mestskú Tranvia (turistickú električku), ktorá trvá asi hodinu, rovnako ako jedna z najlepších vecí, ktoré môžete hrať v Morelii, keď ste opotrebovaní z chôdze.

2. Absorbujte určitú históriu a kultúru v regionálnom múzeu Michoacan

Regionálne múzeum Michoacanu je najstarším v sieti múzeí v Mexiku z Národného inštitútu histórie a antropológie.

Okrem exponátov o histórii, pred hispánskymi artefaktmi, ako aj umením, stojí za to vidieť samotnú budovu. Je to kaštieľ z 18. storočia, ktorý sa nachádza v centre mesta na juhozápadnom rohu Zocala.

Vstup je 50 pesos (približne 2,50 USD), ako aj múzeum je zatvorené v pondelok. Objavte to tu na mape.

3. take pleasure in a Light show at Morelia’s Cathedral

Every Saturday at 20:45, one of the most stunning things to see in Morelia is a world-class light as well as noise show at Morelia’s cathedral.

Get to the zocalo early to discover a great area to take pleasure in this show of lights, fireworks, as well as noise prepared by the exact same business that lights up the Eiffel Tower.

The cathedral itself is majestic, with two towers so high that they can be seen from almost every part of the Valley of Morelia.

It took 84 years to surface the building of this emblematic site, as well as among its treasures is a monumental tubular organ made in Germany. With 4,600 pipes, it’s the second-largest in Mexico.

Due to its appeal as well as acoustics, the cathedral is the site of cultural events like the Morelia worldwide music celebration as well as the Morelia worldwide Organ Festival.

One final bit of trivia: Morelia’s cathedral is the only one in Mexico that faces east instead of the normal north.

4. Choďte do jedného ďalšieho sveta v Santuario de Guadalupe

Although Morelia’s cathedral is undeniably beautiful, it doesn’t hold the informal title of prettiest in town. That honor would a lot of likely go to the Santuario de Guadalupe, likewise understood as the temple of San Diego.

An average-looking church on the outside hides the genuine attraction within — the church’s astounding interior, a spectacular combination of pink paint as well as gold trim. Paying a see to the church to take everything in is absolutely one of the very best things to perform in Morelia.

The quite pedestrian street Calzada de fray Antonio de San Miguel was developed to link the church with Morelia’s Aqueduct, the next entry on this list.

Close to Santuario de Guadalupe is Bosque Cuauhtémoc, which is the greatest park in the city. It has a bike track, an area for children, as well as even two museums, the Alfredo Zalce contemporary Art museum as well as the Universidad Michoacana natural history Museum.

5. Prejdite sa pod oblúkmi Morelie’s Aqueduct

This is one of the activities in Morelia that’s appropriate for day or night. Morelia’s aqueduct is developed by 253 arches, a few of them almost eight meters high.

The aqueduct was developed in 1785, as well as today only about a quarter of the original seven kilometers stays of this historic sign of the city.

Tourist trams pass by on the streets on either side, or it makes for excellent walking—especially at night when its lights cast eerie shadows on the surrounding buildings.

Next to the aqueduct is an emblematic sign of the city: the Tarascas fountain with its statue of three native Purepecha women holding a basket of fruit. discover the aqueduct right here on the map. 

6. Dajte dátum do uličky romantiky

If you’re trying to find some romance in Morelia, look no additionally than the aptly named alley of Romance.

The environment is undeniably charming among the stone walls as well as bubbling fountains of the narrow alley. between stately colonial homes, pink flowers grow, lanterns hang, as well as poems are inscribed on the walls.

Make sure you have a full battery on your cellphone or camera, since you’ll get your a lot of Instagrammable photo of the day in the alley of Romance. It’s popular for being one of the very best locations in Morelia for taking photographs.

If you occur to see on Valentine’s Day (or any type of anniversary) as well as want to understand what to perform in Morelia on such an crucial day, this charming excursion is a great option.

7. Osviežte sa s Gazpacho Moreliano

Gazpacho is one of the gastronomic signs of Morelia, as well as trying it is one of the very best things to perform in Morelia on a hot day.

It’s a mix of fruit with a touch of flavor as well as salt.

The standard recipe includes small pieces of mango, jicama (a type of Mexican turnip), as well as pineapple drenched with orange juice as well as then topped with chili as well as cotija cheese.

As you roam the streets of Morelia, you’ll discover Gaspachos up for sale in little shops as well as on street corners. They normally expense around 40 pesos ($2 USD), as well as if you want, you can request different combinations of fruit as well as garnishes.

To sample the original recipe as well as have a genuine regional experience, go to Gaspachos Morelianos El Güero de la Merced, found in the historic center.

8. Vyhľadajte remeslá v Casa de Las Artesanías

Located in front of Plaza Valladolid, the Casa de las Artesanías (House of Handicrafts) is devoted to promoting as well as preserving the history as well as traditions of artisans from a number of regions in Michoacan.

Formerly the San Francisco temple as well as San Buenaventura Convent, it’s one of the oldest constructions in the city.

Today, it’s definitely one of the very best locations in Morelia to shop for whatever from tasteful art as well as house designs to vibrant clothes as well as jewelry, all made by regional artisans.

In its museum, you can discover about the everyday life of artisans, appreciate the production of crafts in Michoacan, admire artisanal masterpieces, as well as even take a workshop.

Entrance is free, as well as it’s open everyday of the week from 9 AM to 8 PM. inspect out their web site to get an concept of a few of the products they offer.

9. Objavte o mexickej sebadôvere v Museo Casa de Morelos

If you’re excited to discover a lot more about Mexican history, you can see the home where one of the heroes of Mexican self-reliance was born.

Jose María Morelos y Pavon was a vital figure in the Mexican war of self-reliance from Spain, as well as after the war, in 1828, Old Valladolid was renamed Morelia in his honor.

Located in the historic center, his former home, a charming colonial mansion, is now a museum devoted to exhibits as well as artifacts housed in nine rooms, where the city origins, the history of the house, as well as the life of Morelos are described.

Entrance is 45 pesos (about $2 USD), as well as like other Morelia attractions, the museum is closed on Monday.

This museum is included on lots of organized excursions of the historic center, including this one.

10. Pozri show na Centro Cultural Clavijero

Morelos wasn’t the only hero of the war of Mexican self-reliance with strong ties to Morelia.

Miguel Hidalgo, the Mexican emancipator priest who’s likewise understood as the daddy of the self-reliance movement, was informed at the building that now consists of the Clavijero cultural Center.

For a lot more than half a century, this baroque-style building with murals as well as big courtyards was a Jesuit convent. Today, the excellent structure is a world Heritage site as well as a location for concerts, festivals, workshops as well as turning expositions.

11. Pripojte sa k lekcii varenia na kulinárskom workshope Zirita

This is one of my preferred activities in Morelia not just since I like to eat Mexican food, however since I like to discover about it too.

During a marathon lesson of eight as well as a half hours, experienced regional cooks show exactly how to cook the most normal dishes from the specify of Michoacan.

You can select from three different kinds of classes or take a gastronomic excursion with close-by little towns.

You can request info as well as reserve a location for the program or excursion at the San Miguelito restaurant, which is likewise a great location to eat authentic regional food.

For this experience, there’s a minimum number of people required, so if you’re traveling alone or in a little group, you can select to take a different tour, such as this Morelia fishing as well as cuisine tour.

12. Vyskúšajte jedinečnú Morelia Tamales

Tamales are as diverse as Mexico itself. anywhere you go in the country, you’ll discover regional variations on the fundamental recipe of masa (corn dough) steamed in a corn husk or banana leaf.

Corundas as well as uchepos are the representative tamales of the specify of Michoacan. Corundas function dry, sour cotija cheese as well as are commonly cooked with poultry broth.

Uchepos are the wonderful version, made with wonderful corn, butter, piloncillo (a type of sugar) as well as fresh milk.

You can discover these as well as other tamales served from huge steaming pots on street corners in the morning. Or, try the popular ones at the Cenaduría Lupita restaurant, which likewise uses a breakfast, lunch as well as dinner buffet of regional food.

13. Doprajte svojmu nádhernému zube v múzeu cukroviniek

Like tamales, Mexican candies are likewise certain to the region. trying regional Michoacan candy is one of the very best things to perform in Morelia if you can’t get sufficient sweets.

You can discover regional candies in lots of shops in the historic center. But, for the total candy experience, the Dulces Morelianos de la Calle genuine (Royal road Morelia Candies) factory is one of the very best locations to see in Morelia.

Morelianas, cocadas, as well as chongos zamoranos are only three of the almost 300 different variations of candies that are offered in the store.

This service has a long history as well as has won lots of prizes ove

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