Royal Caribbean Spectrum of the Seas: Cruise Guide pre prvých časov

, ako je šľachta, ktorá sa úhľadne zachytila ​​na jej kotvisku, spektrum morí vyzeralo zastrašujúce, keď sa naša dodávka priblížila k prístavnej budove v Šanghaji Wusongkou Worldwide Cruise Terminal (alebo BAOSHAN CRUISE. Terminál), jeden z troch svetových výletných terminálov výletného prístavu v Šanghaji. Pripomenula mi jej sestru, ováciu morí, ktorú som predtým mal šancu zažiť. Takmer vyzerajú rovnako. Takmer.

Aj keď to nie je moja prvá plavba s Royal Karibik, pre mňa to bolo stále ohromujúce. Opatrné plánovanie je kľúčové, najmä pre prvých časov, takže nebudete omdlieť, keď sú vaše zmysly bombardované všetkou dobrotou, ktorú môže ponúknuť plavba. Tu je rýchly sprievodca, ktorý vám pomôže naplánovať si plavnú dovolenku so spektrom morí Royal Caribbean.

POZNÁMKA: Platia tieto písanie. Avšak, prosím, skontrolujte s Royal Caribbean alebo vašej cestovnej kancelárii, aby ste si boli istí.

Čo je v tomto sprievodcovi pokryté?

Viac o spektre morí
Čo pripraviť pred plavbou
Ako získať setSail Pass?
Ako funguje nová mobilná aplikácia Royal Caribbean?
Čo zabaliť?
Čo nie zabaliť?
Ako skontrolovať?
Čo je to morská karta?
Čo robiť po nástupe?
VOOM: Dostať sa na palubu
Kde jesť na palube?
Čo robiť na palube spektra SeasKyppadu
Vyliezavá stena
Obrazovka vonkajšieho filmu
Večerné predstavenia
Salónik a interakcia
Breh výhovorky
Iné vybavenie

Čo bude ďalej pre Season Sease Royal Caribbean (aktualizované) Šanghaj-Homeport sezóna

Ostatné výletné tipy
Viac nápadov na YouTube ⬇ súvisiace príspevky:

Viac o spektre morí

Spektrum morí je najnovším prírastkom do flotily Royal Caribbean. Je to tiež najväčšia výletná loď v Ázii. Je to prvá z kvantovej triedy Ultra, vylepšená verzia kvantových sestier triedy Kvantium morí, hymna morí, ako aj ovácie morí. Tento štýl bol duchovným dieťaťom amerických aj čínskych tímov, pričom mal na pamäti vkus, ako aj preferencie svojich spotrebiteľov v Ázijsko -tichomorskom regióne.

Má veľa typických pre svoje súrodenecké lode z flotily triedy Quantum, pokiaľ ide o veľkosť, dizajn, ako aj veľa funkcií. Avšak vzhľadom na to, že spektrum je kvantová ultra trieda, má niektoré funkcie, ktoré lode triedy Quantum nemajú. Práve tu je niekoľko z nich:

Konečný súbor domácnosti

Konečný súbor domácnosti
(Prvýkrát predstavený v Symfónii morí. Dvojúrovňové apartmán, ktorý má vnútornú šmýkačku, radosť z radosti, ako aj tri spálne. Skvelé pre 11 PAX.)

Súkromná apartmána enkláva (pre hostí, ktorí zostávajú v strieborných aj zlatých apartmánoch)


Hviezdny moment (Royalova prvá karaoke salónik)

Ponuky spoločnosti SEAPlex (lukostreľba, oplotenie, ako aj laserová značka)

Rôzny dizajn primárneho jedálenského priestoru

Niektoré zo špeciálnych reštaurácií sú špeciálne pre spektrum morí iba ako Sichuan Red, ako aj kaviareň Leaf & Bean Café.

Čo pripraviť pred plavbou

Spektrum morí preberá programy Oriental Travel Plan, ktoré sa predtým vzťahovali na jeho súrodeneckú ováciu morí. Bude slúžiť orientálnym plavbám a bude mať svoje domové prístavy v Šanghaji a Hongkongu. Práve tu sú veci, ako aj dokumenty, ktoré požadujete prípravu pred plavbou.

Pas. Uistite sa, že váš pas je platný najmenej šesť (6) mesiacov. Po vydaní sa budete vyžadovať, aby ste svoj pas odovzdali personálu. Deň pred vystúpením budete mať svoj pas späť.

Fotokópie pasu. Bezpečná fotokópia vášho pasu, pretože pôvodný nebude s vami. Okrem morského priechodu budete vyžadovať fotokópiu vždy, keď opustíte loď (výlety na pobrežie).

VISA (iba ak je to použiteľné). Pre držiteľa pasu Filipínskeho pasu nepodporujete vízum, ak sa púšťate do Hongkongu. Aj keď váš cestovný plán zahŕňa napríklad Japonsko, HK-Japan-HK, nie je potrebné žiadne vízum. Ak sa púšťate do Šanghaja, len vyžadujete bezpečné vízum pre Čínu; Nevyžaduje sa na japonské vízum pre Šanghaj-Japan-Shanghai, ktoré je v tomto písaní. Avšak, prosím, skontrolujte s Royal Caribbean alebo vašej cestovnej kancelárii, aby ste si boli istí.

Kreditná karta. Alebo jednoducho pripravte vklad 120 USD, ak ho nemáte. Táto suma sa bude zhromažďovať pri registrácii.

SetSail Pass. Rovnako ako pri letoch, aj vstup na loď potrebuje palubný priechod/lístok – setSail Pass. Aby ste ušetrili čas a zabránili problémom s vyplňovaním vyplnenia po registrácii, môžete to urobiť na internete, ako aj vytlačiť set plachetnicu najmenej tri (3) dní pred dátumom plavby. Rovnako si môžete stiahnuť mobilnú aplikáciu Royal Caribbean Mobile a využiť mobilnú súpravu aplikácie na palubu lode.

Ako získať setSail Pass?

Tieto tri (3) dni pred dátumom odchodu/plavby musíte dosiahnuť.

Choďte do Royal Caribbean official website.

Click “Already Booked” from the primary Menu, then select “Online Check-in”.

Log-in to on the internet check-in by supplying these details: last Name/surname, booking number, date of departure, as well as ship name. Click SUBMIT.

Accomplish the on the internet form. note that you requirement to supply your credit score card details (if you have one), travel plans before as well as after your cruise, emergency get in touch with name as well as number, etc. You may likewise be needed to publish your photo.

Review the details as well as print out the pass. There will be a barcode at the bottom or side of the page. Make sure the print out is clear, so the barcode scanner can checked out it. based on personal experience, ours had to be reprinted by the check-in counter workers since the barcodes weren’t clear.

SetSail Pass

Ako funguje nová mobilná aplikácia Royal Caribbean?

It is finest to download the app before your sailing date. It’s complimentary as well as all guests can utilize the app onboard without the requirement to purchase the Wi-Fi package. right here are just a few of the app’s features. (Note: These vary from ship to ship)

Royal Mobile App

The app will assist you plan your activities by showing you whatever that occurs on the ship daily. You can just add the activities that you want to do for that day to your calendar.

You can likewise make reservations for onboard activities, shore excursions, shows, as well as specialty dining/restaurants.

Through this app, keeping track of your costs while on the ship is made practical by letting you gain access to your Onboard cost Account.

It supplies total deck plans, providing you an introduction of each deck. I personally discovered this function practical since I might quickly get disoriented inside the ship. 😛 By checking out the map, I would understand where precisely is the primary dining Room, which deck is the royal movie theater located, where to discover the ATM, etc.

View other RC ships’ sailing dates as well as onboard activities. This serves those who are still planning as well as choosing on which date to sail as well as what travel plan bundle to take.

Note: as of writing, the app is only offered on fifteen ships, including the Spectrum of the Seas. Covering the entire RC fleet is in the works. right here is the listing of ships supported by the app: experience of the Seas, appeal of the Seas, Brilliance of the Seas, Enchantment of the Seas, harmony of the Seas, self-reliance of the Seas, liberty of the Seas, grandeur of the Seas, Mariner of the Seas, Navigator of the Seas, Oasis of the Seas, Serenade of the Seas, Symphony of the Seas, as well as Vision of the Seas.

Čo zabaliť?

Personally, I pack two sets of clothes each day — one for the day activities as well as one more for the evening affairs. I am an active type of girl, so activities that need a great deal of physical exertion are always on my list. Come evening, I will gown for dinner as well as then enjoy shows or outside motion pictures or inspect the bars.

Some night events phone call for using formal or service attire, however you can select to avoid them if you are not up for it. To be safe, just pack a blazer or outerwear that can pass for both laid-back as well as formal attire. If you feel like going to these formal events, you may pack a mixed drink gown or a fit as well as tie. Don’t anxiety yourself as well much about the attire though; they don’t truly mind.

Aside from the day as well as night clothes, I likewise bring with me swimwear, gym/workout clothes, as well as sleepwear. For footwear, just bring comfortable shoes as well as sandals. Bring formal shoes to match your attire if you plan to go to a formal event or dinner.

Čo nie zabaliť?

Of course: don’t bring in anything illegal! right here are things that are not permitted on board. If found, these products will be confiscated immediately.

illegal medications as well as substances

firearms as well as ammunition (including replicas)

flammable liquids as well as explosives

sharp item (shaving razors as well as scissors with less than 4 inches blade length are allowed)

items that create warm as well as an open flame like candles, incense, coffee maker, hot plates, clothes iron, etc. (curling iron as well as hair straighteners are allowed)

extension cords


alcoholic beverages (Note: On boarding day, guests may bring as much as two 750 ml bottles of white wine or champagne as well as need to only be consumed inside their respective staterooms.)

Here are the things you can bring however cannot be utilized on board. These products need to be kept in your stateroom.

bicycles, skateboards, as well as surfboards

golf clubs, baseball bats, cricket bats, as well as hockey sticks


When I travel, I always have one hand-carried bag with me in addition to my big luggage. I put all my valuables, travel documents, personal hygiene kit, medication (for my hyperacidity), as well as an additional set of clothes in my hand-carried (carry-on) bag, then inspect in my other huge luggage.

If you select to inspect in your luggage, you requirement to put the Luggage identify around the handle. Make sure to comply with the directions on exactly how to fold the tag. You will discover the identify in the guest Ticket Booklet that you will get upon booking. This is like the airline luggage tag. Its function is to make sure that your luggage won’t get lost during transfer. Checked-in bags as well as luggage are collected on Deck 2 for delivery.

If you don’t want to wait on your luggage to be provided to your stateroom (which can last up until 6 PM), you can bring it with you all throughout the embarkation process. You don’t requirement a luggage identify if you select not to inspect in your bag.

Note: only luggage with TSA-approved locks are allowed.

Ako skontrolovať?

Our port of embarkation was in Shanghai, so I can only share the checking-in process from this house port. Also, starting June 2019, the Spectrum of the Seas will be homeporting in Shanghai at one of the three worldwide cruise terminals, the Shanghai Wusongkou worldwide cruise terminal (or Baoshan cruise Terminal), which can fit two cruise ships at the exact same time: one berth for 100k tons as well as the other one for 200k tons.

Wusongkou cruise terminal get in touch with Information

Address: No.01 Baoyang Road, Baoshan District, Shanghai
Landline: 400-858-0655
Office hour 9:00-17:00

Check-in time is between 11AM as well as 3PM. however make sure to show up at the port at least 60 minutes earlier than the published sail time.

Proceed to the luggage decrease off area if you will inspect in your bags. Make sure you got your travel papers with you: passport, SetSail Pass, visa (if any), as well as other needed papers for boarding. If you are not inspecting in your bags, just comply with the indications leading to the long corridor. aside from the directional signs, personnel members will likewise tell or movement you which method to go.

Continue walking up until you go into the terminal for Customs as well as safety check.

When you pass the safety check, you will be directed to the check-in hall found on the third (3rd) floor of the terminal building.

Present your travel papers at the counters. wait on the check-in counter workers to validate the documents, including the SetSail Pass. If you were not able to check-in online, you will requirement to fill out the check-in forms. then you will reserve your printed SetSail. When you completed whatever as well as they validated all your documents, they will take a picture of you.
Note: You requirement to present a credit score card or deposit at least US$150 during check-in for your onboard expenses.

Proceed to the boarding area. wait on the announcement.

When boarding starts, go to the immigration hall for departure clearance.

Go to the second floor as well as continue walking towards the ship’s entrance gates. The personnel will gather your passport before you board the ship. You will get your passport back a day before you disembark. Note: keep your SetSail Pass. You will requirement to present it upon collection.

Vitajte na palube!

Čo je to morská karta?

Your SeaPass card is your ticket to whatever on board, so don’t ever lose it! You will get it ideal before you go into the ship. It serves as your I.D., your stateroom key, as well as your wallet/credit card as purchases can only be made by means of this card. keep it with you in any way times. This is likewise the only method for you to get on as well as off the ship. The SeaPass card appears like this:

SeaPass Card

Čo robiť po nástupe?

Royal Esplanade
So, you are lastly onboard Spectrum of the Seas! Jéj! If you board earlier than 2PM, you can feast on the large variety of gastronomic delights at Windjammer market found on Deck 14.

When you are lastly settled in your stateroom, rest for a bit before heading to your designated Muster station for the mandatory security drill that ALL guests need to attend. This is a common operating procedure before leaving the port. besides this, the back of your stateroom door supplies info essential to genuine emergency circumstances such as the place of your Muster station as well as the appropriate utilize of a life jacket. Your stateroom television likewise has the onboard security video.

VOOM: Dostať sa na palubu

The Web service supplier of the Spectrum of the Seas is VOOM SURF, stated to be the fastest Web at sea. rates vary per ship as well as per Web package, however you will have a 30% discount rate when you purchase before the cruise. right here are the two Web bundle options:

Surf (Limited

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