FLORENCE travel GUIDE: Itinerary, budget & things to Do

When we walked past the Duomo on our last night, the air carried a familiar classical tune coming from a string quartet positioned along an adjacent alley. The drizzling had stopped and a small crowd had gathered around them. Suddenly, a little young boy took his mother’s hand and together they danced to the melody, to the delight of other tourists, who viewed and snapped away.

It’s tender moments like this that made our time in this marvelous city for keeps. I felt it as soon as we emerged out of the Santa Maria Novella station when we arrived in the city. trying to find our guesthouse, we walked with 30+ kilos of luggage on our back. It’s been a long, tiring ride from Zurich and we could certainly use some rest. The concrete pavement turned into cobblestones, the streets looked to narrow alleys. It was quiet. It was as though we were never tired. and for a moment, I felt like Diane Lane (hahahahahhaahhaha), playing with the Tuscan sun, peeking from the top of the heritage buildings. then one left turn and we were greeted by a enormous swarm of people, all admiring the Duomo. hi there, fellow tourists.

We never expected to fall in love with Florence. When we were planning this 16-country European tour, I prepared for Paris or Reykjavik to take my breath away, but it was Florence who stole my heart and ran with it. Easily, it became my favorite city. (Yosh’s most-loved remains Paris, though. but he’s a Francophile, so that’s not really surprising.)

Čo je zahrnuté v tejto príručke?


Pocket Wifi Rental

HOW TO get around IN FLORENCEFlorence Hop on Hop off Bus Pass with Audio Guide
Guided walking Tours

THINGS TO do in FLORENCEAccademia Gallery
Piazza del Duomo
Pitti palace and Boboli Gardens
Piazzale Michelangelo
Other Florence Attractions

Assisi and Cortona Tour

WHERE TO stay IN FLORENCEWhere We Stayed: Bronze horse Guesthouse
Top budget hotels Under €60
See More: Florence Hotels

OTHER suggestions FOR THE poor TRAVELER
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The city was founded as early as 59 B.C. during the medieval times, it was one of the wealthiest cities in Europe. but it is best known for giving life to the Renaissance in the 14th century, the period that gave us Botticelli, Leonardo da Vinci, and Michelangelo. numerous elements contributed to the rise of Florence as a cultural epicenter. one of them: its ruling clan, the Medici, were substantial patrons of the arts. Art is the heart and soul of Firenze, which continues to inspire artists from around the world. Its streets are bursting with captivating architecture, sculptures, and even musicians and street painters trying to make a living.

Today’s Florence is a metropolitan hub and the capital of Italy’s Tuscan region, but its historic core remains intact, tucked at its center. It has 80 museums, not counting outside galleries that adorn its numerous piazzas. The city’s Old town attracts 13 million tourists a year, making it one of the most went to cities in the world.

Language: Italian. many signs have English translations.

Currency: Euro (EUR, €). €1 is roughly $1.11, PHP 55.94 (as of June 2017).

Modes of payment: numerous establishments accept credit report cards, but many still choose cash.

Electricity Info: 230 volts, 50 Hz. common sockets are type F, which also accept plugs that have two round pins (C and E).


In general, the period between October to may is alright, but April is the most comfortable weather-wise. This is when the cold is slowly giving way to the summer heat. It gets much hotter in the next months and peaks in August, the month you want to avoid. even the locals try to go out of town during this month to escape the heat.

If you delight in winter, January and February may be a terrific choice for two reasons: lower prices, thinner crowds. Florence is always jampacked practically any time of the year, regardless of weather conditions. during our visit, we discovered that even in the middle of rain showers, the piazzas remain brimming with tourists, especially the area surrounding the Duomo.


Florence is served by Amerigo Vespucci airport (FLR), an international airport situated just 30 minutes from the city center. but the Galileo Galilei airport in Pisa is the largest in Tuscany. because the the two airports are connected by rail and bus, Pisa is also a good gateway to Florence. Pisa airport also serves numerous of Europe’s inexpensive carriers including EasyJet, RyanAir, Transavia, and Thomsonfly.


From Pisa Airport’s terminal 1, you can board the train to Firenze SMN Station. multiple trains ply this route per day so reservation is not needed. just purchase a ticket when you arrive. The journey takes 1.5 hours. Fare is fixed at €11.10.


If you’re on a bigger trip around Italy, you can easily reach Florence from Rome, Milan, Venice and other Italian cities by train. There are multiple trains a day.

There are two high-speed train companies in Italy: the state-owned Trenitalia and the privately owned Italo. Both use dynamic pricing (much like airlines). This implies that fares are not fixed. They change over time. Hence, it is best to book in advance. If you don’t have fixed plans yet, you can book on the same day, but expect to pay much more for your seat.

Usually, the most affordable fares are at €14.90 for Italo and €19.90 for Trenitalia. but Italo’s fare for some routes can go as low as €9.90 if you book way in advance. If you don’t have fixed plans yet, you can book on the same day, but expect to pay much more for your seat.


If you’re coming from other cities in Europe, the fast and low-cost option is typically flying. Intercity flights within Europe are surprisingly low-cost and they will save you a lot of time.

However, there are also trains available coming from outside Italy. There are day trains and overnight trains, depending on where you’re coming from. typically they make stops in another Italian City, typically Milan or Turin.

From Paris. The most affordable option is to travel by high-speed to Turin (Travel time: 5h40; Fares from €29). Then, board an Italian train from Turin to Florence (Travel time: 2h45; Fares from €19.90). book the Italian train with Trenitalia.

From Zurich, Switzerland. Take a EuroCity train to Milan (Travel time: 3h26; Fare from €9) and then board an Italian train to Florence (Travel time: 1h40; Fare from €19.90).

From Munich, Germany. travel with German Railways to Verona, Bologna, or Venice (Fare starts at €9). then take an Italian train to Florence SMN (Fare from €19.90).ole trip, but this does


If you’re a Filipino citizen, you’ll need a Schengen visa. Here’s how to get a Schengen visa.

There are no direct flights from the Philippines to Florence. many routes entail a few layovers. A good option is to fly to Pisa instead. Pisa is easily accessible. Turkish Airlines and Qatar Airways fly to Pisa with stops in Istanbul and Doha respectively.


The fastest way to get to historic center from Florence airport is by bus. Bus ticket price for single trip is €5 (P281.25 or $5.57) and €8 (P449.35 or $8.92) for round-trip ticket. Take the Volainbus, operating from 06:00AM to 11:30PM and departs every 30 minutes in front of the airport. It will take you directly to Santa Maria Novella (SMN) Train Station, which is located just next to the Old Town.


Local SIM

If you own an open-line or unlocked phone (meaning, your phone can accept SIM cards from other carriers), this is your most affordable option. Italy has four main telco companies: Vodafone, TIM, Tre, and WIND. The first two have the best coverage and 4G data connection.

TIM for Visitors. Cost: 30€. includes 4GB of 4G internet, 100 minutes of international and national calls, and a SIM Card. Valid for 30 days. The price is fixed, but you will be encouraged to top-up to get much more data, especially if you’re a heavy user.

Vodafone Holiday. Cost: 30€. includes 2GB of 4G data, 300 minutes and 300 SMS to all Italian numbers and to your home country, and a SIM Card. There is a 1€ maintaining balance.

Before you decide to purchase an Italian SIM, take note of the following:

You can only get one at the physical store or booth. Activation can’t be done online. The challenging part is that it can be challenging if you don’t speak Italian, so make sure you know exactly what plan you want before approaching any store staff to avoid confusion. note that the name of TIM’s holiday package is “TIM for Visitors” and Vodafone’s is “Vodafone Holiday.”

Bring your passport to the store. SIM registration upon activation is required by law.

Have the staff set up the APN on your phone to be sure you have the settings right. This changes depending on the device you use.

If you’re a heavy data user, top up after activation so you don’t need to return to the store in the middle of your trip.

Pocket Wifi Rental

You can rent out pocket wifi before your flight.

If you’re coming from the Philippines, one of the brands you can use is Flytpack.

Flytpack charges P500 per day for Europe and an additional P2800 deposit, which you can get back after your trip.

Because it can connect multiple devices, you can split cost with your companions.

The unit comes with a built-in power bank, which guarantees you get to use it for an entire day trip without draining the batteRY.

Každý prenájom prichádza s univerzálnym adaptérom. veľmi užitočný!


Ak ste so sídlom na Filipínach, môžete tiež použiť služby roamingu poskytovateľov. Ceny sa budú líšiť v závislosti od vášho poskytovateľa.

Globe Telecom: Majú veľa možností roamingu. Môžete si vybrať roam Viber (P199) alebo ROAM Facebook (P299) 24 hodín. Alebo vyberte Unli Innose Data Roaming pre P599. Môžete skontrolovať všetky svoje ceny prístupom na stránke ROOAMING

SMART: Majú tiež službu Unliho Data Roaming Service s názvom Surf v zahraničí pre P550 alebo ich Travelwifi pre P390 za deň s údajmi 1 GB po dobu 24 hodín. Môžete skontrolovať ich stránky pre oveľa viac informácií -> Smart Traveling The World

Toto nie je najekonomickejšia možnosť, ale roaming má svoje vlastné výhody. Postpaid roaming je aktivovaný automaticky, takže sa nemusíte zaregistrovať ani pozrieť na obchod alebo vykonať vklad. Tiež nemáte extra gadget na poplatok a postarať sa o počas cesty. A ak ste skupina, môžete zapnúť osobný hotspot alebo uväznenie, aby ste rozdelili náklady.

Ako sa dostať v Florencii

Historické centrum Florencie je možné ľahko preskúmať pešo. V skutočnosti, mnohé ulice sú určené len pre chodcov a blokovať prístup automobilu. To však môže byť stále veľmi mätúce. Mapy Google by ste mali pomôcť s navigáciou.

Ale ak chcete preskúmať oveľa modernejšiu stránku Florencie, môžete si vziať autobus alebo električku. T1 tramová linka beží z dovolenky domov Costanza (Scandicci) do stanice Santa Maria Novella (SMN). Vstupenky na električky si môžete zakúpiť z stanice SMN alebo akékoľvek oprávnené zariadenie – Lekáreň, kaviarne, novinové stojany – to má “ATAF” nálepka.

K dispozícii sú početné typy vstupeniek. Spoločný lístok môže byť použitý raz a platí 90 minút. Najlepšie je rezervovať v pokroku, pretože to stojí oveľa viac, ak si kúpite lístok na palube. Existuje však aj viacnásobné jazdy, ktoré môžete použiť viackrát v rovnakom 90-minútové obdobie. Tu sú náklady:

1 TICKET X 90 MINUTRÁLNY (PRE-Rezervované): € 1.20

1 TICKET X 90 MICERS (na palube): € 2.00

2 vstupenky x 90 minút: € 2.40

4 TICKET X90 MINUTRY: € 4.70

K dispozícii sú aj vstupenky na dlhšie trvanie, ak plánujete často používanie električkových a autobusových systémov.

24-hodinový lístok: 5 €

3-dňový lístok: 12 €

7-dňový lístok: 18 €

Môžete tiež použiť vstupenky ATAF na autobuse.

Florence Hop On Hop off Bus Pass s Audio Guide

Image Company of Klook
Ak ste fanúšikom hopu na hop off autobus, je tu aj jeden pracujúci vo Florencii. To vás zavedie na niektoré z základných atrakcií mesta. Každé sedadlo je dodávané s viacjazyčným audio sprievodcom, zdieľanie informácií o každom mieste.

Pass je k dispozícii v 24-hodinovom, 48 hodinách a 72-hodinových variantoch.

✅ Rezervujte tu Pass Tu!

Prehliadkové výlety

Hoci Touring Florencia môže byť vykonaná DIY štýl, budete môcť oceniť mesto a jeho históriu oveľa viac, ak sa pripojíte k prehliadke. Vychádzkové výlety vás zavedú do základných atrakcií, ako je Cattedrale di Santa Maria Del Fiore, Krstiteľstvo a Giotto’s Bell Tower, s sprievodcom diskutovať o dôležitosti každého zastávky.

Klook poskytuje turistický výlet v angličtine, španielčine a taliančine. Výlet robí zastávku v Piazza Duomo, Piazza Signoria a Ponte Vecchio. Sprievodca bude vedúcim prehliadku, zdieľajúca poznatky o každom zastávke. Anglický výlet stojí 13,20 € na osobu.

✅ Rezervujte si tu slot!

Vo Florencii sú k dispozícii úplne bezplatné výlety chôdze.

Čo robiť vo Florencii

Galéria Accademia

Obrázok ponúkaný Klook
Galéria Accademia založená v roku 1784 a je to múzeum, kde môžete vidieť známy sochárstvo Michelangelo Davida.
Adresa: cez RICASOLI, 58/60, 50121 Firenze, Taliansko
Vstupný poplatok: úplný € 8,00 (12,50 € počas exponátov) znížil 4,00 € (6,25 € počas exponátov)

Ak potrebujete sprievodcu, môžete si rezervovať výlet z Klook, ktorý je vrátane cestovného lístka Skip-the-line.

✅ Rezervujte si tu slot!

Piazza del Duomo

Piazza del Duomo, umiestnenie jedného z najviac úchvatných kostolov, aké som kedy videl: Cattedrale di Santa Maria Del Fiore alebo Il Duomo di Firenze. Enormný štruktúra

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