GILI ISLANDS ON A BUDGET: travel guide & travel plan

There are three things that I always make sure I experience when I’m on an island getaway, as well as they all begin with S: the sea, the sunset, as well as loud, scandalous sss.., uhm, singing. Áno. sea, sunsets, as well as singing. Naozaj.

When it pertains to the sea as well as sunsets, the famed Gili Islands off the coastline of Lombok, Indonesia, will not disappoint. This trio is composed of Gili Trawangan, the largest, a lot of populated as well as the most established of the three; Gili Meno, middle as well as the smallest; as well as Gili Air, the second greatest as well as closest to mainland Lombok. The band is found off the northwestern coastline of Lombok as well as dots the southern edges of Bali Sea.

It is the most prominent destination in Lombok, at first riding on the tourism pull of Bali as well as commonly a preferred side trip for Bali vacationers who are seeking a lot more island as well as diving adventures. Its very first waves of tourists were made up of divers as well as snorkelers. Over the years, the islands have seen fast advancement — mainly concentrated in the largest of the three, Gili Trawangan — with cafes, bars, as well as other establishments mushrooming along the beach. Slowly, it has earned a track record of being a “party destination.” Yet, it still is far a lot more kicked back as well as laidback than Bali, something that I truly took pleasure in about the place.

Čo je v tomto sprievodcovi pokryté?

Best Time to see Gili Islands
How to get to Gili Islands
Where to stay in the Gili Islands
Things to perform in Gili Islands
Sample Itinerary

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Best Time to see Gili Islands

Gili Air Beach
The months of July, August, September are thought about height season since of the great weather. rain as well as storms are extremely unlikely during these months. December as well as January are likewise thought about high season since of the Christmas as well as new Year demand. just like any type of other vacationer destination, rates are higher throughout these months as well as accommodations get offered out easily. Make sure you book your hotel before pertaining to the island.

The rainy months of February to April are thought about low season.

One thing you likewise requirement to think about when planning your trip is the Balinese holiday called Nyepi, which is normally observed on a day in mid-March. On this day, the entire island of Bali goes on a standstill. No lights, no businesses, no outside activities are allowed. This is crucial since you may be going to the Gilis by means of Bali. Seaports as well as the flight terminal will be closed on this day. However, this is not observed in Gili Islands or Lombok.

How to get to Gili Islands

Two airports serve as gateways to Gili Islands: Lombok worldwide flight terminal (LOP) in Praya as well as Ngurah Rai worldwide flight terminal likewise understood as Denpasar flight terminal (DPS) in Bali. note that Lombok is much better to the Gilis, making it the fastest path however not necessarily the most expense effective.

Gili Air Snorkeling
If you’re coming from outside of Indonesia, fare to Lombok costs a bit bit a lot more since you’re a lot of likely linking in one more Indonesian city like Jakarta, Surabaya, or Denpasar (Bali). You can likewise link outside the country. There are direct flights from Singapore as well as Kuala Lumpur, however they expense much more, often double or triple, unless you get your ticket during a promo.

If you’re flying directly to Lombok

At the airport, hire a metered taxi or personal cars and truck to Bangsal Harbor (Bangsal Port). A metered taxi trip costs around IDR 300,000, while personal cars and truck service may expense somewhere between IDR 400,000 to 650,000 depending upon the company. note that taxis in Lombok need to always utilize the meter. travel time is around 2.5 hours.

At Bangsal Port, walk to the beach where you will discover the ticket office for public boats. DO NOT get tickets where the taxi would decrease you off. Scams are rampant in this area, as well as touts will do whatever they can to capture money out of you. You will be told that there are no a lot more public boats or that the ticket office is closed, however neglect them. just walk directly to Bangsal Harbor as well as look for the ticket booth there.

Take the public boat to the Gili Island you desire to visit. A public boat ticket costs IDR 8,000 for Gili Air, IDR 9,000 for Gili Meno, as well as IDR 10,000 for Gili Trawangan. The boat will not leave up until the boat if full. Make sure you’re in Bangsal between 8am to 4pm so you have a lot more people to share the boat with.

Alternatively, if you are a group as well as you have a lot more money than time, you may charter a personal boat in Bangsal or in close-by Senggigi for around IDR 200,000 depending upon your negotiating skills.

Again, whatever you choOse, neinteragujte s touts.

Ak prichádzate z Bali
Ak je Bali súčasťou vášho itinerára, máte štyri možnosti na dosiahnutie ostrovov Gili. (Existuje niekoľko oveľa viac možností, aby som bol úprimný, avšak náklady na šťastie, takže sa im zatiaľ vyhývaj.)

Lietadlom do Lomboku

Existujú priame lety z Denpasar (Bali) do Lomboku, ako aj naopak.

Lietajte z letového terminálu Denpasar do Lomboku.
Cestovné: okolo 400 000 IDR (50 USD)
Čas cesty: 50 minút

Z letiska Lombok sú v súlade s vyššie uvedenými krokmi.

Cez Padang Bai
Padang Bai je prístavné mesto, ktoré sa nachádza 60-90 minút od letového terminálu Denpasar alebo pláže Kuta. S touto cestou je, že na ostrovoch Gili sú trajekty až ráno. Gili Cat, jeden z oveľa výraznejších prevádzkovateľov na ostrove, odchádza Padang Bai o 9:15 hod. (Embarkation sa začína o 8:45 hod.) Existujú sezónne popoludňajšie plachty, je však bezpečnejšie len ráno odísť.

Ak chcete ísť na ostrovy Gili v ten istý deň svojho príchodu, uistite sa, že let, ktorý rezervujete, pred 6:00. To zaisťuje, že máte čas ísť s prisťahovalectvom, objavovať prevody pozemkov, cestovať do prístavu, ako aj získať lístok. Upozorňujeme, že to ešte nezohľadňuje oneskorenia letu, takže si môžete stále vyžadovať rezervovať oveľa skorší let, aby ste boli na bezrizikovej strane. To, čo veľa cestujúcich robí, je tráviť noc v Kute alebo v Padang Bai.

Do Gili Trawangan
Čas odchodu: 9:15
Čas cesty: 80 minút.
Cestovné: 1,2 milióna IDR (92 USD), spiatočky; IDR 700 000 (54 USD), jednosmerne

Do Gili Air
Čas odchodu: 8:45
Čas cesty: 120 minút
Cestovné: IDR 1,02 milióna (78 USD), spiatočky; 630 000 IDR (48 USD)

Ak máte veľa času, môžete tiež brať pomalý, verejný trajekt do Lomboku (4-5 hodín) a potom, keď sa dostanete do prístavu Bangsal Harbor do Gili Trawangan.

Cez Amed
Amed je pláž ľahko prístupná po takmer 3-hodinovej jazde od letového terminálu Kuta Beach. Má svoj vlastný prístav, ktorý je najbližšie k ostrovom Gili ako akýkoľvek iný typ prístavu na Bali. Aj keď je vzdialená, jedna vec, ktorá sa chystá na Ameda, je to, že je to krásne miesto, najmä pri východe slnka. V iných častiach ostrova je to ďaleko od všetkého chaosu, hluku, ako aj nadmerného rozvoja.

Čas odchodu: 9:30
Čas cesty: 1 hodina
Cestovné: IDR 875 000 (67 USD) spiatočky

Kde zostať na ostrovoch Gili

Môžete objaviť hotely a letoviská na všetkých troch ostrovoch, hoci ich obrovský zlomok je v Gili Trawangan. Môžete objaviť veľké množstvo ubytovacích zariadení, od špičkových letovísk až po domácnosti, ktoré ponúkajú priestory pre tak nízko ako 150 000 IDR (12 USD) pre miestnosť fanúšikov.

Ak nie sú vašou vecou, ​​skontrolujte niekoľko ich rozpočtových plánu, ako aj hotely v strednom rozsahu.

Veci, ktoré sa majú vystupovať na ostrovoch Gili

Všetky tri ostrovy sú malé a môžu sa preskúmať pešo z koncového konca. Pochopte, že na ostrovoch neexistujú žiadne autá, motorky ani akýkoľvek druh iných motorových automobilov. Aby ste sa obišli, buď chodíte, bicyklov alebo výlety koňom ťahaných koňmi zvané Cidomo. Cidomo cestovné môže byť niekde medzi 20 000 až 50 000 IDR, v závislosti od vášho cieľa.

Gili Trawangan Island Bike Adventure
Tu je niekoľko aktivít, ktoré si môžete užiť:

Ostrov poskakovanie. Nevyžadujete, aby ste si prenajali osobnú loď, aby ste sa pozreli na všetky tri ostrovy. Potrebujete len zachytiť verejné lode. Ráno je vždy jedna loď, zvyčajne od 8:00 do 9:30, ako aj ešte jedna popoludní, zvyčajne medzi 15-16:00. Cestovné: IDR 18 800 (1,5 USD) do 25 000 IDR (2) v závislosti od vašej trasy.

Bicykel Tour. Mnoho hotelov, ako aj domácnosti, tiež ponúka služby prenájmu bicyklov, ktorých výdavky zvyčajne odrody od 50 000 IDR po dobu 4 hodín do 150 000 IDR počas 24 hodín. Po pláži vedie obvodová cesta, ktorá je najlepšia pre cyklistiku. Niektoré časti sú piesočné, takže buďte pripravení občas pretiahnuť bicykel. Urobte to hneď po úsvite alebo pred západom slnka.

Dajte si fotku západu slnka, keď ste urobili, keď ste na morskom hojdačke. Postavte sa v plytkých vodách na západnej strane Gili Trawangan, zahrňte to ako jednu z vašich zastávok na cyklistickom turné. Využitie výkyvov oceánov je bezplatné, ale buďte pripravení na dlhú frontu.

Snorkel alebo Dive! Morský život Gilisa bol slávnymi ostrovmi, takže si úplne vyžaduje nahliadnutie do toho, čo sa skrýva vo svojich smaragdových vodách. Make sure you have a water resistant or underwater cam.

Food trip! There are a great deal of widely known restaurants in the island. Seafood, of course, is their specialty as well as they fuse it with other cuisines. For example, Scallywags organic seafood Bar & Grill restaurant serves marinara pasta together with a large choice of grilled seafood! Their menu is full of dishes that play within the cost variety of IDR 40,000 for starters to IDR 150,000 for primary courses. Or if you just want to great down as well as beat the heat, have a glass of fruit shake (or cocktails!).

Party! They’re not calling it a celebration island for nothing. however be careful of accepting drinks from strangers. Also, keep it clean. Indonesia has a few of the harshest legislations for drug-related offenses. medication possession can put you in jail for as much as 12 years. medication trafficking can send you to the death row.

Sample Itinerary

Here’s a sample 3D2N itinerary. This assumes that you’ll be coming from Bali as well as staying in Gili Trawangan. If you’re going to utilize this as guide, make sure you book a flight that will show up in the early morning or spend the night in Padang Bai or Kuta. Also, it would be finest to book your tickets in advance.

Gili Trawangan ocean Swing
08:45 – Gilicat Embarkation at Padang Bai
09:15 – Gilicat Departure
10:45 – Arrival at Gili Trawangan
11:30 – early inspect in at hotel (or decrease baggage)
12:15 – Lunch
14:30 – Swimming
16:00 – Biking + ocean Swing sunset
19:00 – Dinner

06:00 – Breakfast
08:00 – Island hopping/snorkeling/diving around Gili Islands
12:00 – Lunch
14:30 – Back to Gili Trawangan
16:00 – rest or check out Gili Trawangan more
19:00 – Dinner
20:30 – Party!

07:00 – Breakfast
08:30 – hotel checkout
10:50 – Gilicat Embarkation
11:20 – Gilicat Departure
13:00 – Arrival in Bali
15:00 – flight terminal Checkin or stay in Bali

This was part of #TripOfWonders, a blog writer excursion organized by Indonesia’s Ministry of Tourism.

Viac nápadov na YouTube ⬇

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