Accommodation Spotlight: Hacienda Tres Rios, Mexico (With Video)

As part of our 4 day press trip with Riviera Maya Tourism, we were offered to stay at the gorgeous Hacienda Tres Rios resort near Playa del Carmen, Mexico. This stunning 326 acre residential or commercial property is really more of a nature park than it is a resort. As you go into the estate, via a long, jungle clad driveway, the phone calls of different birds, bugs as well as reptiles remind you that you truly are in nature when you stay at Tres Rios.

Hacienda Tres Rios Resort

We shown up late at night, however were warmly welcomed by the friendly, effective personnel who greeted us in the enormous lobby. We checked in as well as were shown to our room. We’ve had the chance to stay in some quite remarkable locations in our 5 years of travel, however this space was definitely one of the most breathtaking suites we’ve ever put our bags in.


Each of the 273 suites are tastefully furnished utilizing all regional materials as well as artwork.  We were in the Mangrove Junior Suite which, at 645 square feet, was large, spacious as well as remarkably comfortable. The king sized bed was one of the coziest we’ve slept in as well as we had an excellent sleep that very first night.

The Mangrove Junior Suite

All of the spaces at the resort utilize a completely balanced infusion of contemporary style as well as regional flare. The Mexican marble floors shimmer as well as meld effortlessly with the traditional mahogany furniture as well as granite countertops.

Our space had an exquisite view of the mangrove forest as well as pool below as well as likewise came with everyday appetizers as well as refreshments delivered right to our door.

The Mangrove Junior Suite

Our much-loved part was the marble rain shower, which had excellent pressure. The bathroom itself was larger than some hotel spaces we’ve stayed in the past!

Look great to you? Click right here to book your space at Hacienda Tres Rios.


We were on the Tres Rios endless high-end plan, which provided us free rein at all of the restaurants, buffets as well as bars at the resort. We started each day with the amazingly diverse breakfast buffet which served whatever from Mexican Chiliquiles to Spanish-style omelets, fruit platters as well as american sausage as well as eggs.

Breakfast Buffet

We enjoyed lunch at the poolside bar or pizza restaurant, both of which made completely mixed Margaritas to laundry whatever down.

For dinner, we selected from one of the 7 other lounges, grills, bars as well as restaurants on the property. Our much-loved was the Oriental restaurant which served up simple, however satisfying Oriental fusion dishes. The sushi roll appetizer was the very best as well as we most likely ordered about 20 of them while we were there!


Hacienda Tres Rios treated us to a full day of experience as well as we had a blast with their pr reps Paola as well as Nadia. The day was jam-packed with fun activities.

Segway Tour: This was our much-loved tour at the resort! everybody has heard of the Segway right? Well they’re the 2-wheeled, stand up electric vehicle that you always see shopping center cops riding around on. It turns out, they are endless fun! We ripped around the whole property, with the jungle as well as mangroves, into the plant nursery as well as back to the resort. It was definitely a highlight of our stay.

We have to buy a couple of these!

Sense experience Tour: After we completed up on the Segways we headed to the sense experience Tour. This was right up our alley as it was a mix of meditation as well as concentration on all of the senses. We were blindfolded as well as led with the jungle. Along the method we were drenched, dried, fanned as well as fed. We tasted chocolate as well as were provided different herbs as well as spices to smell. It was extremely calming as well as we came out feeling refreshed as well as renewed.

Snorkel Tour: Tres Rios really means “three rivers” as well as is so named for the trio of streams that criss-cross the estate. We headed to one of the cenotes, donned our snorkel gear as well as hopped in. The sluggish currents carefully pulled us down the river away from the cenote as well as toward the sea as we calmly floated as well as gazed down at the tangled mangrove roots as well as the fish which inhabit them.

Dinner At The Chef’s Table: When we heard that we were to be served a seven-course meal next to the chef in the Hacienda kitchen, Dariece as well as I were extremely much looking ahead to it. As you know, we like food as well as this was a true culinary adventure. The meal started with a mixed raspberry vinaigrette salad with blue cheese as well as mango.Šéfkuchárova stolová večera

Odtiaľ sme boli vedení s jedlom, ako sme sa oddávali sukulentným lososom, luxusnou polievkou, krevetami Xtabantun, outzívny jahňacie mäso, ako aj chutnú kačicu. Všetko sme dokončili čokoládou Taramasu, ktorá bola skutočne božská. Jedlo bolo neuveriteľné a aj keď banánové krevety sa zdali trochu náročné, zvyšok jedla kombinoval jednoduché príchute, ako aj regionálne vytvorenie, aby vytvorili skutočne veľkolepú cestu pre paletu.

7 Table jedlo šéfkuchára programu

Pozrite sa na toto rýchle video nášho dňa v Tres Rios!


To, čo pre nás skutočne odlišovali hacienda Tres Rios, boli dôvody, na ktorých bol postavený. Prírodný park 326 akrov orientuje na more a je rozdelený na tri pomalé streamingové rieky. Pláž pred frontom je úplne nádherná s mäkkým bielym pieskom, ako aj s vodnými vodami akamarínu, ktoré by ste očakávali od pobrežia Riviera Maya.

V letovisku sú 3 bazény, ale iba jeden malý plávajúci priestor vyhradený iba pre dospelých. Zistili sme, že zatiaľ čo sme tam boli, zdá sa, že mladí ľudia plávajú v rezervovanom bazéne rovnako ako dospelí, avšak iné ako bazény boli veľké, čisté a dobre udržiavané.

Margarita v bazéne!

Existuje niekoľko ciest, ktoré meandrujú mangrovy, ako aj určite stojí za preskúmanie, hoci kto chce chodiť, keď sa môžete vydať na segway?

Veľká budova strediska stojí ako impozantná pastelová stena v polkruhu zaoberajúcej sa morom. Aj keď je vo svojom bohatom prostredí veľmi prirodzene, nevyzerá mimoriadne prirodzene, samotná štruktúra je dobre pestovaná a robí veľkú úlohu zachovať exteriérový dizajn podobný hacienda.


Zistili sme, že personál bol veľmi užitočný, keď sme zostali v Tres Rios. Vyzerali skutočne priateľskí a šťastní, že poskytujú svojim hosťom vysokú úroveň služieb, ktoré by ste očakávali od 5 -hviezdičkového letoviska. Skutočnou hviezdou show je mimoriadne charizmatický manažér hotela Sammy, ktorý podľa všetkého chápe každému hosťovi menom. Personál v spoločnosti Hacienda Tres Rios bol vynikajúci.



Prírodné prostredie

Skvelý personál

Úžasné apartmány

Priateľský manažér, Sammy

Vynikajúci výber potravín

Skvelé margarity

Bezchybne čisté priestory, ako aj pozemky

Zadarmo kanoe, ako aj šnorchlové vybavenie


Veľmi zlé webové pripojenie, ako aj Wi-Fi v celom hoteli. Neustále problém pre Tres Rios však, ak ste na dovolenke, by to nemal byť problém. Boli sme tam, aby sme pracovali a zistili sme, že je to veľmi ťažké.

Generický alkohol v bare. Niekoľko z alkoholu bolo veľmi pekné pri bazéne, ako aj v športovom bare, ako aj keď podávali chutné margarity, veľa chlast bol lacným štítkom. Prekvapujúce poskytlo úroveň všetkého iného v letovisku.

Stredisko v noci

Mali sme vynikajúci pobyt v Hacienda Tres Rios. Telefonicky hovoria o svojom pláne na stravovanie „nekonečný luxus“, ako aj skutočne je to viac ako len jedlo, ako aj pitie, ktoré môžu svedčiť o tomto mene. Hostia, ktorí tu zostanú priamo tu, budú online ako králi po celú dobu svojho pobytu, nebudú sa s nimi zaobchádzať ako s kráľmi. S milostivými personálmi, ako aj priateľskými službami v stredisku, budú s nimi ocenení. Boli sme veľmi šťastní, že sme boli pozvaní, aby sme zostali v tomto nádhernom 5 -hviezdičkovom letovisku, ako aj dúfame, že deň človeka sa môžeme vrátiť na jednu skutočne elegantnejšiu dovolenku.

Páčilo sa nám náš pobyt v tomto letovisku, rovnako ako aj vy! Kliknutím doprava tu rýchlo zarezervujte svoju izbu.

Ďakujeme Hacienda Tres Rios za to, že nás hostili 4 noci. Ako vždy, všetky myšlienky a názory zostávajú naše vlastné.

Páči sa mi tento príspevok? Pripnúť!

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