Essential Time-Saving Upgrades Every digital Nomad should consider

If you work from your computer, or from your devices, or even if you’re just on them a lot, then you should remind yourself of just how valuable your time je. for every minute you wait for that pesky color wheel or hour-glass, you could be out enjoying the world! for years I was using my devices with their stock parts, but lately I’ve started to notice that I’m waiting around a lot for load times, connection and battery charging. As a digital nomad, time on the computer is money, so I finally started to make some relatively inexpensive investments into my electronics to speed up my work efficiency considerably.

If you’re ever using programs like final Cut, photo shop or any other app that takes a considerable amount of CPU to run, or if you’re online often, then you should definitely consider these inexpensive upgrades (even if you’re not a digital nomad).

Here are some essential electronic upgrades that can save you an insane amount of time!

More RAM ($109.00)

If you’re ever waiting for load time on your computer, then this should be your first upgrade and you should do it now. think of every time you wait a minute for a page to load or an app to open. add those minutes up and in the course of a year, you’re probably wasting days. RAM can help! I was using my Macbook pro Late 2011 model with its stock 4GB of RAM since I bought it in 2012. It was pretty fast, but as soon as I had multiple applications open it would bog down. If I tried to open big, RAM sucking apps like final cut and After effects together… forget about it. The computer would grind to a halt.

I upgraded to 16GB of RAM (4X the capacity) and today my computer opens apps at around 6 times the speed. The installation was super easy. I just followed this video and was done in about 10 minutes. I used to open final cut and watch the little app icon bounce on my dock for 2 minutes and 21 seconds before it would finally open. It now opens in 26 seconds! You can pick up 16GB of RAM on Amazon for just over $100! Click here to search for the right RAM for you on Amazon.

Range Extender ($39.99)

We’ve all been in hotels where the wi-fi doesn’t reach the room. We have to head out to the common area or just hang around the front desk so we can send emails, work on social media or upload an article. This problem can be remedied with the D-Link Wireless N 300 Mbps Compact Wi-Fi range Extender which can be bought on Amazon for just $39.99.

This compact little contraption can get rid of dead spots and give you full bars in places where you’d otherwise have no signal at all. When I researched this product, I was amazed that as a digital nomad, I had never heard about it at all. For a smaller, more travel friendly version you can try the TP-LINK TL-WN823N 300Mbps Wireless mini USB Adapter for just $15. It may not get the range that the D-Link does, but it’ll still help. Or you could be like us and just order both!

SSD hard Drive ($109.99)

If you’ve been looking into buying a new laptop or computer, you’ll see that almost all of them are coming with SSD (Solid state Drive) hard drives these days. The problem is that these super fast, über-efficient hard drives are very expensive for a small amount of storage. but there’s a way to add a new SSD to your laptop without getting rid of the traditional spinning drive that’s already in it, and you’ll see BLAZING speed increases that will save you a ton of time. For Mac users, pick up a 256GB Corsair SSD Drive on Amazon for just over $100 and then a $9 Optical Drive Caddy.

You’ll have to open up your Macbook again but it’s easy if you follow this video. should have it done in about 20 minutes and this is probably the biggest speed increase that you can do to your laptop. because you’re installing the SSD in the Optical Drive bay, you can keep your original hard drive and all of its space for larger files like photos and video, while using the SSD for your OS and Applications. If you have a PC, just Google the right SSD size for your computer and find the appropriate video on YouTube to walk you through the process. It’s generally a very easy upgrade to do at home.

3G Wireless Router Or USB Stick ($15.99 – $36.57)

Sometimes when you’re travelling, you don’t have wi-fi but you need to post something. Not all of us have an iphone or Android device (though that will probably be our next upgrade) so if you’re like us, then a USB Wireless Stick or Wireless 3G Router may be the answer. just make sure that whatever one you go with is “Unlocked” so that you can use it with any 3G pRovider v ktorejkoľvek krajine po celom svete. Nedávno sme si kúpili jeden v Mexiku, ktorý bol uzamknutý na telcel, takže je teraz takmer zbytočné, keď sme opustili krajinu.

Cestovná karta (30 dolárov)

Táto maličkosť sa od času veľmi hodila. Sú dni, keď sa vydáme na dvere na miesto, o ktorom by sme chceli podať správu prostredníctvom sociálnych médií, a potom si uvedomíme, že náš iPod zomrie asi za 2 minúty. Tento malý gadget s veľkosťou kreditnej karty môže nabíjať takmer akékoľvek zariadenie na cestách a sotva zaberá akýkoľvek priestor. Jedinou nevýhodou je, že si pamätáte, že ste vždy nabíjali cestovnú kartu, aby ste si naúčtovali svoje zariadenia, ale hej … dáva vám jednu ďalšiu šancu mať šťavu vo vašom iPhone, keď ste vonku. Určite to stojí za 30 dolárov, čo stojí! Kliknutím sem si kúpite z ich webových stránok.

Získajte časy.

Keď som začal robiť výskum, ako by som mohol zlepšiť svoju efektívnosť ako digitálne kočoviny, bol som odfúknutý tým, ako som bol „za časmi“. Tieto jednoduché a lacné vylepšenia skutočne zlepšili úroveň našej produktivity a pomohli nám posunúť naše online podnikanie na ďalšiu úroveň. Aj keď z počítača nepracujete, ak trávite nejaký čas čakaním na čas načítania, hľadaním signálu Wi-Fi alebo nabíjaním svojich zariadení, týchto 5 úžasných pomôcok a hardvéru, ktoré sú celkovo viac ako 350 dolárov Viac času od počítača a skúmanie sveta, ktorý máte radi! Viem, že nám to nesmierne pomohlo.

Našli ste niekoľko skvelých elektronických zariadení, gadgetov alebo vylepšení, ktoré pomohli vašej produktivite alebo kvalite života všeobecne? Podeľte sa s nami v komentároch nižšie!

Poznámka: Niektoré odkazy v tomto článku obsahujú pridružený kód, čo znamená, že ak si kúpite položku z tejto stránky, dostaneme malú províziu. Ale nebojte sa, nebude vás to stáť ďalší cent a pomôže vám udržať kozy na ceste! Ďakujem za tvoju podporu ?

Je tento článok hodný vašej rady?

Zrieknutie sa zodpovednosti: Kozy na cestách je spolupracovníkom Amazonu a tiež pridruženou spoločnosťou pre niektorých ďalších maloobchodníkov. To znamená, že zarobíme provízie, ak kliknete na odkazy na našom blogu a kúpite sa od týchto maloobchodníkov.

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